The ClearVision Attitude© 
A ClearVisionAttitude© is a positive way of thinking. It is a positive attitude that consists of key elements that will allow you to successfully navigate through various life situations and challenges in a healthy and mature way, eliminating clouded factors and assisting you to overcome obstacles and barriers with natural ease.

Living with a ClearVisionAttitude© means you always keep the key elements of a ClearVisionAttitude© in the forefront of your mind and you apply the thoughts and understandings when various situations arise. These thoughts will activate your ClearVisionAttitude© and eliminate, or at least reduce, the stress you may be getting ready to experience! 

There are many factors of a ClearVisionAttitude©, however, the following are just a few key essentials that help any situation when correctly applied:
• A BETTER YOU: Always recognize and acknowledge that you can be a better you in everything you do! 
• It COULD BE WORSE: No matter what challenges you are experiencing, the situation can be worse than what it is.
• LET IT GO: Forgive others, as well as yourself, and move forward, leaving the past in the past.
• REMEMBER THE REASON: Think about the reason you are trying to achieve success or overcome a challenge. Use your positive reasons as the motivation to succeed!
• LEAP OF FAITH: Do not fear change or the unknown. Once you have effectively thought it out, JUMP and take that chance!
• TRY, TRY, AND TRY AGAIN: It is ok if your first, second or possibly third, attempt was not successful. Never give up, your time is near. Accepting failure will guarantee you never succeed!!

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